Pond Products » Ponds



We pride ourselves on offering the best Pond products for a beautiful, clean and healthy pond.

Pond FAQs

What are the benefits of having a garden pond?

A garden pond can bring countless benefits to your outdoor space, such as:

  • Adding a focal point to your garden: A well-maintained pond can become a tranquil and calming place for you to enjoy.
  • Connecting with nature: Ponds attract all sorts of wildlife, such as frogs, dragonflies, and birds to your garden.
  • Offering a place to relax: Relaxing by a pond is a great way to enjoy some peace and quiet while you gather your thoughts.
  • Easy to maintain: Many ponds are low-maintenance and require little upkeep.

How do I choose the right location for my garden pond?

Choosing a good spot for your garden pond is crucial for its success. Firstly, consider the amount of sunlight the area receives.

Then, make sure any pond plants you are adding will  have access to direct sunlight to thrive. If possible make sure the ponds location is away from trees or large shrubs, as falling leaves can make maintenance challenging.

Be sure to assess the terrain avoiding areas that are prone to flooding or low-lying spots that may collect excess rainwater. Lastly, consider the proximity to utilities such as water and electricity, as they may be needed.

What size should my pond be?

If you plan to keep fish or have a water feature, a larger pond is best to accommodate their needs, although there are many options for small compact ponds as well.

As a general rule of thumb, a pond should be at least 10 ft wide and have a depth of 2-3 feet to provide sufficient space for plants and fish. However, if space is limited, smaller pre-formed ponds, mini ponds or raised ponds  can still offer a charming water feature for your garden.

Think about your garden, choosing a size that complements the landscape without overpowering it.

Can I have fish in my garden pond?

Many fish species can blossom in a garden pond. Common choices include goldfish, koi carp, and shubunkins.

Be sure to give your fish time to adjust to their new environment. Likewise, research the fish you are considering, to ensure they are compatible with each other and their surroundings.

When selecting fish, consider the weather and environment, like pH levels and water temperature. Also, add plenty of plants for shelter.

Do garden ponds need sunlight?

Most aquatic plants require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day to grow and be healthy. Sunlight helps to keep the water warm, aiding fish and other organisms that live in it. It also helps to provide your plants with the necessary nutrients for them to survive.

For the best conditions, choose a spot that draws a good amount of sunlight. However, be sure to provide shade as well, as too much direct sunlight can cause algae blooms and other problems.

How do I winterise my garden pond?

It’s essential to prepare your pond for winter to protect plants, fish, and the overall ecosystem during the colder months. Start by removing any fallen leaves or debris from the pond, as they can release harmful substances as they decompose.

Trim back any aquatic plants and remove any that may not survive the winter. If you have fish, make sure to gradually reduce their feeding as the temperature drops.

Consider installing a pond heater or de-icer to prevent the water from freezing completely, as this can harm the fish and plants. Finally, cover the pond with a net or pond cover to prevent leaves and other debris from falling in during the winter months.

Can I add a waterfall or fountain to my garden pond?

Waterfalls add a beautiful visual element and are relatively easy to install. There are many pre-made waterfalls and water spitters available, so make sure to research all the options before making a decision.

If you want the sound of running water without a waterfall, consider installing a fountain instead. Fountains come in various sizes and styles and can be as elaborate or simple as you like.

No matter which type of water feature you choose, follow all the instructions carefully while installing them.

For more information on how to get the most out of your equipment, please see – Your Pond – equipment & care.

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